Friday, March 13, 2015

Survivor 30 Episode 3 Notes

Disclaimer: This is no well-thought out recap/review but random thoughts on the episode.
Spoiler Alert.

O.o I wasn't expecting the votes from "Barbie Box alliance" to split once again, but Nina went home nonetheless. Too bad Nina let her tribe get the best of her and so off she goes. I thought that what Hali said during Tribal was pretty accurate, Nina has to try to be more "no collar" (whatever that means haha) to fit in more if that is what she wants, and if she wants to feel like she belonged. I guess Survivor was too hard for her, in terms of not just her hearing disability but also how she dealt with her tribe mates. (maybe only applicable in such season where they stereotype different groups of people :/) Side Note: Why on earth are some of the players trying so hard to fit into the stereotypical blue collar and no-collar? I don't think that the white collar are that "White collar" yet especially with the nudity and weird talk about monkeys making out haha, but as an audience, i sure thought that them finding the idol together/publicly was kinda weird. 
However, everyone was super critical of each other, that's for sure regardless of their collars LOL.
This week's immunity challenge was not as exciting as the previous 2, but nonetheless it revealed quite a bit of Joe's personality, letting Nina "sit out" this challenge.That was probably a huge mistake on his part.
And surprisingly Will is doing well in this game! As long as he doesn't go to tribal again with no collars, he should be making it pretty far in this game i think! We shall see. 

See ya next week, in the meantime, you can find me on twitter @raycherr :)


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