Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Genius 4 Episode 5 Review


Hey there! 

The Genius argh I get so emotional watching this season hahahaha. All the emotional attachments that I've built up since season 1, and now an all-stars season, I just become super tense during an episode. Whenever I see someone not doing well, I will feel so sad for them. Whenever I see flashbacks to past seasons, I choke a little.
Anyone feels the same? ):::

Okay, I admit episode 5 wasn't the best episode for me thus far. Yes, I've been wanting a "group" game for a while now, but this wasn't the kind of game I was looking for... :/ #Loyalists&Rebels was rather similar to #ZombieGame #JuryGame and somewhat like a group version of the first game this season #IDexchange While the individual convict in ID exchange made that episode a great start to the show, this episode's game was one with a group on the outs.
I deem it to be rather unfair. Why? The rebels were the minorities and had to work against more players to reach a separate end/aim. An individual rebel was responsible for the whole group's performance as well, and could easily pull down fellow rebels as shown. They had to put up a front no matter what (that is if the players play by the rules of the games), and it came down to luck to see who got to play the rebels.
I guess I could be totally wrong though, the producers had this game included because there had to be a way for the rebels to win... right? :/ However I still think that it's bias because most likely if you pick a loyalist, you could just sit pretty and get by the week. Just let Dongmin sniff out who are the rebels haha. But seriously, he was amazing again in spotting Kyungran and Jungmoon. Youhyun totally let himself get caught though haiz. Also, Kyunghoon managed to get Jungmoon right too! Hmm Jungmoon was really unlucky with her picks to be a zombie and a rebel... and she isn't really the best actress out there, so... ): Though I have to say how she can remember π to the 100 decimal place is super daebak. :) Too bad her knowledge became why Dongmin managed to read her...
It was really a sad end game scenario where it was either her or Kyungran going into the deathmatch. Haiz, such extreme option, to live or to "die"... I don't think she will be labelled as a betrayal though like what the narrator implied, Jungmoon did what she had to do.

Alright, so Youhyun vs Kyungran in the Deathmatch and I was surprised that Kyungran was willing to leave the poker games in the mix. I was so confident that Youhyun was going to beat her hands down, but... I really can't believe it sometimes. I have come to realise that luck plays a significant proportion of the games and it could really change up the strategies that the players had in place. I don't really like it, but I am accepting that things don't always go according to plan and that luck can bring in a bit of fun element to the games.
I enjoyed the flashbacks used throughout the whole season thus far and when they played out the scene with Kyungran playing Indian Poker from Season 1 finale, as a parallel to this Deathmatch, I definitely felt that I was tugged at my heartstrings. If she lost again with a 10 card, I am pretty sure we all would have lost it. Such an intense sequence!

So in the end, Youhyun lost. He lost in the game that he probably was most confident in. :/ Noooooooooooo );
Sigh, though I have to comment that everyone has been such graceful losers, they were really grateful to have the chance to play again and I think it is really admirable. Like when you see someone gets voted out on Survivor, and they say good luck to the rest. It's such a warm feeling.
Some of you might know I was rooting for Youhyun as one of the players to have the most potential to win. Such a pity he fell short of that goal. However, Ooooo Jinho broke the season 2 curse and was not eliminated, phew. Maybe it's because he claimed that he was from S1? Haha.

Garnet Match again next week! Haven't seen much deals with garnets going around though... See you guys then!
In the meantime, please do comment below or tweet me @raycherr

P.S. I'm starting to support Kyunghoon more! Is he really Lee Sangmin? O.O hahahhahaha


  1. I think Ep 4 was so amazing that by comparison, Ep 5 just fell short. I was quite impatient so I decided to watch the show raw even though my knowledge of the Korean language is rather limited. Hence, pardon me if my interpretation of the episode is wrong.

    I believe the episode will take a whole different turn had Dongmin (a dominant player) or/and Kyunghoon (a crazy unpredictable dog), maybe even Yeonseung (since he is such a great actor) were the rebels instead. Yoohyun's obvious moves would have been justifiable if he could ensure that one of the loyalists is suspected as a rebel. Hence, when he did that, I thought it was too hasty on his part, and therefore, as much as I love him, he kinda deserves to go to the death match that episode. Jungmoon's begging just irks me. I get that she had to do what she had to do to survive, but overall she has zero game play and I seriously don't think she deserves to be there. I was freaking annoyed when Kyungran was chosen to go to the death match over her. At this rate, seeing how she keeps getting rescued episode by episode, and could memorise pi to 100 decimal places, I wouldn't be surprise if she goes to the finals if the last death match games are left with Gyul!Hap! and Same Picture Hunt. Well, of course I should give her credit for being book smart, but if I want to see boring high IQ people win, I would have watched the Golden Bell Challenge and not the Genius.

    I sincerely hope she is sent to death match soon and slay someone significant, just like how Kyunghoon slayed our King Sangmin. Maybe only then I will start liking her, just like how I started appreciating Kyunghoon's presence in the show.

  2. Wow not bad, you understood without subs!? ^^
    That's right I feel the same, episode 5 was a low for me too after a great episode 4.

    Indeed, as the format isn't very fair (I feel), players who are not so great actors will be at a disadvantage if they were chosen to be the rebels. It would really be interesting to see Dongmin be the player on the outs... Ahhh, I think Youhyun revealed himself because he had no choice after that mess up with Kyunghoon. He probably thought that he had no chance left and had to rush it and get a high number. He did admit his mistake and accepted his fault to go to the Deathmatch though.
    Ouch harsh haha, I do think that Jungmoon actually had a chance but because of Dongmin's super sensitive read on the her, she was totally outwitted. Haiz, Dongmin is afterall a super loyal player, and will keep his promise to Jungmoon after she admitted her role in the game... No choice, Kyungran had to take the fall. It was practically all in the hands of Dongmin. Ahhhh oh my, the remaining deathmatches look like they might be in Jungmoon's favor. However, you never know, she could fall with Gyul!Hap! like how Youhyun fell in a poker game(perceived to be a definite winner)... Hahaha I'd say let's give Jungmoon a chance to play some more, she could show something unexpected. Though, right now you are kind of right, and her game play isn't that interesting. Ah, perhaps perhaps, but I don't think that she needs to go to the Deathmatch, she could prove her worth as a great player to the audience in a Mainmatch too! :)
    Awww, I wouldn't draw a parallel between her and Kyunghoon but I get what you mean. Haha, Kyunghoon is still such a character. This episode, "Sherlock Hoon" was rather entertaining.

  3. hey Rachel :)

    Just want to share my favorite top 4 pick: Dong Min (he is so so so good), Jin Ho (he is awesome too and cute!), Yeon Sung (he is so underrated) and Jun Seok (this guy is a genius).

    The rest, can be eliminated each week hehehe. My wish now is to have Jin Ho pass episode 7 safe and sound :)


    1. Hii! :)

      Thanks so much for sharing! :) Haha I agree with you!
      Ahhh but I still feel a bit sad whenever someone is eliminated. ):
      Oops is that a spoiler I see hahahha >< I haven't watched episode 6 yet...

  4. Hello Rachel! first of all Yoohyun is eliminated T^T and I'm just going to cry in a corner for a while aaa. Of all things why should he be eliminated with a poker game? Which he is confident in. Anyways I enjoyed his presence in both seasons. Hoping he will come back as a guest!
    Jungmoon... I'm kind of frustated with her just because up until last episode she haven't show anything and kept riding with other people. I kind of understand that she does not want to be eliminated again but if she's smart enough she can actually save her team without having to betray any one of them.
    Dongmin, gosh, once again he blew me away! He's super good at reading other people and I just hope by now he will not stand out too much just so people will not see him as a threat, just yet.
    Can't wait for next episode with the dream team! - K :)

    1. Hello K! :)
      Luck wasn't on Youhyun's side sobs sobs. ); Me too, maybe all of the elimimated players will come back as guests?
      Hahaha to be honest, Jinho hasn't shown much this season too. >< However yes, I understand your frustration, there could have been ways that she could have manipulated her info to the rebels' advantage... but I was thinking I shouldn't judge her game play as it could have gone a lot differently if Dongmin didn't pick up on her mistakes and revealed her as a rebel. Let's see what else she would bring to the table in future episodes? Haha. ><
      Dongmin, he is so good, so good. I do think that everyone's a threat so they probably won't target him so soon. :/
      Yep same! :) Thanks for chatting with me here!

  5. Hey peeps. Was just looking around to see if there is any forums out there in english for me to rant the frustrations after having done watching episode 5 of the genius. So So So angry at this episode. Thanks Rachel for me to find this blogspot with the genius reviews and comments.
    Firstly, the game is already totally lopsided. Even if a normal person whose got the rebel, cant do anything even if he has a plan for the game itself. They are forced to act like loyalist so as not to be a suspect. But that restricts them to even be able to get close to setting up a plan. Whereby if they decide to leave the main hall and even go and do some planning alone, its already out of the norm where they in fact should gather and have open discussions to achieve what the loyalist needs to achieve. This already proved to be a huge disadvantage to the rebels.
    So digress away from the gameplay since its already the actual game that cant change or avoid away with. Then it comes down to how the rebels can think and hide along playing with the game.

    Then then then this stupid thing happen. Jung Moon is smart and is certified with a high IQ of 158 which i agree. But i dont think i agree with her playing smartly. I sort of know how she thought she thinks she can control the game when the number sequence of how the numbers are distributed is of her knowledge. She thinks that when she puts out all the number and most of the people would agree that she was a loyalist without any harm. But then, it means you tried to play the game alone without needing the help of other rebels, which ultimately means that its a 1 vs 6 game. Does she even think that the other 6 players does not put their brains into playing the game at all? They would'nt vote for someone whom they are not very sure of that could put them into risky position. Eventually she was read by jong ming and not able to be selected as a king herself.
    Even so, i did not think that she was a rebel at the first place as she provided information for the loyalist that would already checkmate the rebels in the game. When the numbering sequence was deduced to be the pie system, she should not even admit that she knows the numbering to the public but to keep it herself and make plans for how to break the game and win as a rebel. Revealing the numbers to try to get trust is just so stupid, when she herself is already a rebel herself. From trust to zero is just a blink of finger. Knowing of the pie system just tops it off to allow her to even upturn the already bad situation of a rebel from the gameplay format itself and could make her the game maker.
    Conclusion, JungMoon the spoiler. This is the first time i'm so bothered to write comments too..
    So much more to rant but i'm afraid any longer, Rachel might delete my comment and rate me as a spammer.
    Best regards out there Rachel. Peace! And hope The Genius would get better to the end. :)

    1. Hi Jungming! Thanks! No worries, I won't delete your comment and I love reading others' opinions too. :)
      Haha guess most of us thought that this game was down to luck to see who could play an "easier" game as the loyalists. We also expected much more from Jungmoon... ):
      I do think that she had little choice because Junseok was guessing about the Pi system sequence and she just leaked her knowledge about it as a casual comment. Turns out that it was, and she had to make a quick decision to reveal them all... :/
      Hope you continue to comment next time too! :D Peace.
