Friday, August 14, 2015

The Genius 4 Episode 7 Review


Hi! Wow it's already the 7th round and the space looks really pretty empty now. ): I miss all the season 4 players already. 

In Seed Poker, it was really nice to see a political game underneath it's poker exterior. While I would love to play this game myself, I do feel that there could be a little too many variables involved... Plus every time someone wins, he gets at least 7 chips which is a lot, considering the fact that everyone starts with 15 only. 

This time round we saw Jinho try to make an individual move to not stick with Dongmin... Erm, bad idea. We all love Jinho for his brilliant moves in Season 1 where he managed to get the show delicious Genius moments, but in the Seed Poker, it pretty much blew up in his face. With more complex games, and everyone having much ideas and different motions to play the game, the variables are now higher than ever. I thought that perhaps, he (+Kyungran +Hyunmin) got a little too greedy too with trying to get the last 3 points, but then again they could be right to want to make sure that Kyungran won. 
Jinho playing both sides this time was a little suspicious too. Haha, like I never thought that he needed to play with spies on his team to win. To bring in Jungmoon as the spy was even more questionable, but to his credit, it did save his ass life on The Genius after reasoning with  Kyunghoon. :/

Jungmoon sighs, I am just upset with her game play now. She chose to play the dark way again??? Why on Earth did she want to be a spy and betray her alliance members again? After all, she is definitely not the best spy out there and the players suspect her moves pretty frequently too. I wished that she played a more loyal game but it was too late, she was finally picked to play in the Death Match by Kyunghoon, and was eliminated. 
Why Kyunghoon picked Jungmoon instead of Jinho, I am not too sure. :/
Short break: okay, this is a bit creepy after I look at this for a while haha. >< reminds me of Caroline...
They played Same Picture Hunt (still not Quattro :/) and (by luck) Kyunghoon won. I have to say memory-wise, he was pretty on par with Jungmoon in this game but I guess you could say that he got all the right tiles in the right places, like 2 of the same in the row? Woah. 

Hahaha so I have to admit, I am starting to like the Kyunghoon that we are seeing again. The crazy Kyunghoon in episode 1/2 was just not really doing it for me... And... I will also admit that if you ever do read my private posts on season 3, I had like a crush on him in episode 2 then because omg he was like showing so much vulnerabilities... >< Season 4 Ep 1/2 was a turn off but now, I am starting to value him as a worthy player in this game again. :)

I want to mention Junseok too. I believe you guys know that I have picked him as my winner's pick. I do think that he has a fair chance of winning still depending on who is his opponent at the end game. Though, it is hard to see that more people would give the supporting items to him instead of to the other players (e.g Kyungran/Hyunmin).

Thanks for reading! Do tweet me @raycherr or comment below! I really like it when I can engage in a conversation with you guys. Cheers!


  1. Back! Hello~

    Gosh this episode. So so glad that Jungmoon is eliminated. What in the world was she thinking when she did not bet in the last round? I don't really know her train of thoughts. I get it that she won't be first even if she bet, but wouldn't you at least try to help the only person helping you at this stage in the game? Gah.

    Anyways, the Jinho-Jungmoon relationship was more of a deal to me and less of a spy? Jinho did not really ask Jungmoon about which number the rest had and more of just wanting to make sure she didn't come in last place.

    I like it that Jinho is stepping out of Dongmin's shadow/leadership/dominance, although probably like what you said, it might not be the right time to do so, especially at this stage. I have a lower tolerance for Dongmin now, because of what I stated in my comment in your previous post. I also like it that Kyungran is loyal to Jinho/working together with Jinho.

    But gosh, when Kyunghoon said he felt like playing against Jinho in the death match, I died a lot inside. I really thought he would be annihilating all the winners (though, I don't think he would choose Dongmin unless something really unexpected happens). I agree, he's lucky that the patterns he was given appeared on the board. Maybe Jungmoon could have tried the Junghyun way of playing the death match game. Shrugs.

    I'm not quite sure why Hyunmin still wants to follow Dongmin around. I think he would be brilliant standing alone/with other people. The mini Hyunmin-Jinho-Kyungran alliance kind of worked a little to me. I think that since Jinho and Kyungran have sort of stepped out, maybe it's time for Hyunmin to do so? It might be hard though since I think he still depends on Dongmin due to their strong alliance since Season 3.

    Just a last random note: I think Jinho must have felt so empty after being betrayed by Jungmoon. Could kind of see it on his face. It was like Yoohyun's face during the death match? I could feel Jinho's desolation. Sigh.

    Sorry for the long comment! Just have lots of feelings for this episode. Plus this episode was rather intense! Hope you don't mind~ Looking forward to your next review!

    1. Welcome back! :)

      I think Jungmoon was trying way too hard to play everyone... :/ Ah you are right, it was more of a deal, but I was under the impression that she was a spy when she went over to tell Jinho/Kyungran about Dongmin's moves and plans.

      I was glad that he finally wanted to make some moves for himself but I guess it was too sudden and awkwardly executed this time round for Jinho... I also want to add here that actually Kyunghoon didn't have much of a strategy in this main match. He was probably too tired from passing info back and forth haha.

      Me neither about Hyunmin "following" Dongmin around... I am speculating that it's due to his last season's lack of supporters at the end game as he burnt more bridges. He wants to get as many people at the end that aren't angry at him, and that he thinks that he can beat Dongmin this time round if they do make it all the way again? Haha just my theory though.

      Nope, I love your long comment! You guys could so totally co-write an article with me! >< ;D
      Thanks so much for checking out my posts again! :)
