Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Genius 4 Episode 11 Review


Woah woah woah! XD The Semi Finals are over.

This is super exciting.
But first, ep 12...

Kim Kyunghoon really did such a good job understanding this game which let to his victory and direct entry into the #GrandFinal. I am super impressed by his skills throughout this season and how he climbed all the way to the top from a troll/crazy character. :) 
Okay, I must acknowledge that both Dongmin and Hyunmin probably knew the last amount too but they fell short with the mind games all the rounds(especially the last) and they went straight to the death match. 
While I enjoyed this game How Much, it was a newer concept and fun to watch, I thought that it lacked certain elements that could have made it the most memorable. The last round was for 4 points, to me it was way too much, granted that all the players understood the game really well. If it was played again with more players and they had more time to share information (perhaps even within players themselves) and a few more modified rules, this, I feel would be an even better game. Also, it was rather lacking with the SNL guests and their vague replies, but their humor made up for it haha. 

So Dongmin decided to go against Hyunmin, as he thought that he probably was going to go into the DM and wanted to pick his opponent. Finally, we witnessed a rematch by the same players this season! I was waiting for something like this from the start! :) At first, I was like 12Janggi is going to be an easy victory for Hyunmin but I guess not... Apparently everyone else practiced it, as expected of The Geniuses, so it made for a different kind of game where everyone was prepared. It was a tough match too but ultimately Hyunmin was defeated. (Dongmin! How can you be so good at all the games? haha) This was not exactly the best season for Hyunmin to play on after watching the past episodes, he fell into the shadow of Dongmin way too much and was read by him too when he strayed. I find that a little upsetting but sadly it's the reality. ):

So... There we have it our 2 finalists. *claps claps*

Side note, Dongmin never gave way to players who haven't won before... (haha sometimes I wished he did though as he was a little overpowering heh... ><) 

It will be really cool to see Kyunghoon to go head on with Dongmin. I liked both of them a lot in Season 3 and now they are rivals at the end game, woah. Though, I can't see Dongmin show any weaknesses in the final. Kyunghoon is very right about Dongmin, Dongmin is really an all rounder and probably a perfect player in The Genius. Kyunghoon, on the other hand, is someone with a lot of potential, if he can misguide Dongmin in the final games, he will stand a chance at the title and grand prize. Looks tough though. :/

I don't really want to admit this but I am rooting for Kyunghoon haha, let's fulfill your role as King slayer and become a King yourself! He showed great versatility and abilities this past few games, thus while his chances don't look promising, I do hope that he will put up a great fight and somehow win it! ;)
#underdog #troll #kingslayer

Alright, next episode will be the last one for this season! ):
Keep the conversation going on twitter with me @raycherr or in the comments below!
See you next week when we will see who wins, plus all the players this season! ;)


  1. Hey~ Gosh assignments took up much of my time!

    Ooh my wish(?) came true. But wow, Slayer Kim Kyunghoon. I thought Dongmin would have dominated the main match, but suddenly, boom. I like it that Kyunghoon was so chill after he won the match. That level of confidence. I think unfortunately, Dongmin fell short on the more 'intellectual' part like the calculations.

    The death match was intense man! I thought that Hyunmin would win the second match, but Dongmin was really composed. It was amazing.

    Can't wait for the finals. But that means no more The Genius reviews from you D: Have a great week ahead while waiting for the finals!

    1. Hey there ~~ Me too, I have lots of assignments now too!

      Yes indeed! wow good prediction! :) I thought that Dongmin just thought that either ways he had more chances of losing and decided to pick his opponent. :/
      I was quite surprised to hear that Dongmin practiced at home right after he saw 12Janggi as the Deathmatch but wow kudos to him for winning 2 rounds and beating another expert at the game.

      Awww thanks so much for always coming back to read my reviews! :D
